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TOSMS Boardroom Solutions

IGF red.png
A. EDS Solution.png
B. Governance Documentation & Training red.png
C. Combined Assurance and Accountability red.png
D. Governance Oversight & Secretariate red.png
E. ODCS red.png
F. RCM Solution red.png
G. Environment Social and Ethics red.png

Pillar 1: Enterprise Development and Strategy Management Solution


There are six major areas within the Enterprise Development and Strategy Management Solution that require full digitisation, integration and automation and have a major impact on the performance of the board and executive team. The preparation of planning content from a multitude of different sources is critical to present a clear, concise and accurate view for informed and evidence-based decision-making on which the future of the organisation relies.

This module ensures that decision criteria are properly evidenced and have the required tracking and feedback loops to build a brains trust of learnings that allow the board and executive team to receive valuable performance feedback about the quality of their decision-making and translation into results. The outputs allow real time online adjustment of strategies in a highly responsive manner, particularly mission-critical where major disruptions such as the recent pandemic require immediate and far-reaching responses by the board and executive team.

The diagram below, provides an overview of the six areas for automation.

IGF Pillar 1 Solution.png
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